Water Pastry

Water Pastry

The food is recipe for a legendary water pastry from the Beşler kitchen. We have compiled this recipe for you, one of the most popular intermediate temperatures of crowded family meetings.

Materials for water pastry Recipe

For dough:

• 1.5 tsp salt
• 6 eggs
• 3.5 water glasses flour

To boil:

• 1.5 liters of hot water
• 1 tbsp oil
• 1 teaspoons salt

For mezzanine floors:

• Half cup of tea liquid oil
• 8.5 tbsp butter

For internal mortar:

• 600 grams of white cheese
• Parsley depending on wish

Water pastry Recipe Preparation

  1. We're breaking eggs in a bowl. We add salt to it and mix it up. Then we add flour and collect it with a wooden spoon and start kneading. A sticky dough must be obtained for the water pastry. We stop kneading when it reaches medium soft.
  2. We get our dough by noting our counter, and we start to unpick our diapers by noting our hand. We're preparing our diapers about the size of tangerines.
  3. A plate of flour under our diapers, etc. we put it in and cover it with a fridge bag and wait half an hour.
  4. We add oil to the butter and melt it for the pie's mezzanine.
  5. We're opening the first diaper of our resting dough to make it a thin dragonwalk.
  6. We put plenty of water, lots of salt and a little bit of oil in a deep pot and boil it well.
  7. We throw out one of the peas we put in the boiled water and boil it for 30 seconds. If it sticks to the edges, we continue to boil it slowly, with a scoop, by freeing it from the edges. Then we throw it in ice-cold water. After a little time in the water, we take the dragonglass out with the scoop and squeeze it gently without tearing it.
  8. We put plenty of melted oil on the base of our tray, and then we lay down the first layer. We repeat the same process until we reach the middle layer.
  9. When we get to the middle layer, we put our cheese allowance in between and we complete the remaining layers.
  10. And after we put melted oil on the top layer of our burrowing, we cook it for 1 hours and 15 minutes, with a top-of-the-line baking in the oven at 210 degrees in advance.
  11. After we remove it from the oven, we wait 10 minutes and have it serviced. Enjoy your meal.